See also:
Our intention behind producing this archive is to make it easier for other researchers to use the tobacco-related documents contained in this archive for their personal and fair use. We have no intention to infringe copyrights of these documents. These documents have been sourced from the publicly available sources. We make no claims about ownership, authenticity of the documents contained in this archive. Any links in these documents or on this website that lead to other websites do not imply any association with such institutions. This archive has been produced as part of the broader research project that explored the political economy of tobacco, titled “Deciphering an epidemic of epic proportion: the role of state and tobacco industry in tobacco control in post-liberalised India (1990-2017)”. We thank the DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance for funding this project through the Intermediate (Clinical and Public Health) Fellowship awarded to Upendra Bhojani (IA/CPHI/17/1/503346).
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